Toilets aren’t much fun to deal with, however whenever you’re renovating a bathroom, you’ll probably need to remove and reset the toilet or possibly install a new one. Here are three tips that will save you some frustration when you go to put the toilet in.

1. This is a biggie: Make sure that the toilet flange bolts are at least 12″ away from the finished wall. (Sometimes called a 12″ rough-in.) This is the minimum amount of clearance that you’ll need to fit most standard toilets. The problems often come after you’ve added something to the wall, such as tile or beadboard wainscoting, that reduces the room you have for your toilet. Take this seriously and think about it ahead of time.

The best fix is to move the flange over if possible. This is what I did for this project, however, if you’re dealing with old cast iron pipes in the crawlspace you don’t want to hear that. You might be able to install something called an “offset flange” that will buy you an inch or two and may save the day.

If you’re stuck with a flange that’s simply too close to the wall, you’ll have to go shopping for a toilet that will fit. The big home stores usually stock 1 toilet that will fit in a 10″ space (measuring from the bolts to the wall.) You could also search the salvage yard for an toilet that will fit. Yep, that would be a used toilet… :)

2. Make sure your connections are right. Especially when you’re replacing an old toilet, you may have a connections that aren’t compatible with the modern 3/8″ compression connectors. You may need an extra adapter fitting to get everything to connect. Also, the height of your new toilet may be different than the old, needing a longer connector than you have on hand to make it work.

3. When you’re installing the nuts, don’t forget the plastic covers. Install the plastic base before the washer and nut. IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure the plastic base is installed with the correct side up. It will probably say on the top “this side up.” This is important for making the cover snap together with the base piece.

You can probably tell that I’ve dealt with all of the above situations before. If you think ahead in these situations you can save yourself some frustration and perhaps a couple extra trips to Home Depot.
